How Focus Can Help You Achieve Your Highest Levels of Success

A seated young lady in a suit, views and scrolls her laptop at her table.
How Focus Can Help You Achieve Your Highest Levels of Success | Blog |

How focused are you?

With many distractions and obstructions to your goals that are out here, it can be simple to lose focus. 

Sometimes we may think something is a good use of our time today, but tomorrow we find out, that it was unproductive.

Acknowledgement to results is good to understand, as well as self-evaluation.

There are many things that can distract us in our desire to reach our goals.

Today we will discuss distinguishing between distractions, being sure we stay focused and concentrating on what will grow us individually.

Let’s get started.


Origami of six red figurines of people holding hands stand on top of a purple backdrop.
How Focus Can Help You Achieve Your Highest Levels of Success | Blog |

Everyone has a different foundation based upon their experiences in life.

Some have quite diverse experience and some don’t. 

What we can conclude, is that our experiences make up who we are.

How we conduct ourselves is more relative to our personal self-development and our individual people skills.

People skills are universal no matter what industry your expertise is in. 

As we gain experience through life, we should always aspire to hold on to experiences that have grown us and also utilize experiences that have not grown us, objectively to enhance our future performance.

  • Self-development is a usable technique after knowing your strengths, weaknesses, ability to self-evaluate, and then committing to your targeted goals by reviewing your results.

In our encounters with others, we should try to positively help others based upon our learnings. A positive outlook on our experiences, past or present, provides a reflection of our intentions with others.

  • Be sure to try to show your intentions as clearly as possible. 

People are gaging their ability to trust you, based upon your intentions.

Arriving at a place in life where you aspire to give back, shows how you have learned to use your experiences to positively impact others.

Foundation matters. But, your destination matters even more…


A person laces up their red sneakers as the sit on the pavement in their track performance gear.
How Focus Can Help You Achieve Your Highest Levels of Success | Blog |

Unfortunately, many of us have not had good examples of what healthy competition looks like, versus negative competition.

Although, taking on any type of competition is okay, you must know the intentions of your competition. 

Unfortunately, some people look for anything they can to deteriorate your image whether its true or false.

These are people that are not honest and will do anything to win. That means they’ll cheat, lie, deceive and speak badly about others even when a report was not requested. 

  • Ultimately, people like this don’t go far because the customers know the difference between trustworthy-genuine people versus untrustworthy-dishonest people.

This is where understanding how to lead with positivity is very important. 

Your self-awareness to own (and hold yourself accountable to) your own personal conduct is necessary. 

Although this takes development, a good person will always acknowledge your intent.

Understand your competition, when to share feedback and how to treat others based upon their actions. People will pay attention to your actions to stay aware. 

It is important that you pay attention to yourself while distinguishing between trustworthy people and untrustworthy people.

Take heed to healthy competition and unhealthy competition.

Distractions or Noise

A crowd of people show their hands, in participation of an event, smiling.
How Focus Can Help You Achieve Your Highest Levels of Success | Blog |

Throughout your interactions, partnerships and engagement with others, it is important to acknowledge your individual productiveness.

Most of this will be gaged by how you decide to use your time.

  • Often times, we listen to what everyone else is doing, to try to get a gage on what we should be doing. Sometimes, it is helpful and other times it is wasteful.

When a person has the exact same plan as you, their plans could align to yours. However, your preparedness and their preparedness could be two different things.

Preparedness comes down to education, finances, self-discipline and self-awareness.

So acknowledge, even when someone has the same plan as you, you could still be in a completely different developmental stage. 

This is where it is possible to proportionately be unproductive with your time.

Education, self-awareness and discipline are key characteristics for you to maintain to be capable of deciding the best application of your time.

  • Be sure to decipher when you are productive with your time and why.
  • Review your results and acknowledge your actions that led to those results.
  • Remove any waste and aim to perform on a higher level from your past performance. 
  • Acknowledge your wins, celebrate them and aim to enhance them from your learnings.
  • Continue to block out the noise and acknowledge when and where the noise exists.


A gentleman in a black suit and tie and white shirt, buttons the top button of his blazer in front of a yellow wall.
How Focus Can Help You Achieve Your Highest Levels of Success | Blog |

Maturity is also an important factor in gaging intent.

Unfortunately, many people are only confident when others think well of them. 

Meaning, they may only think well of themselves if others do.

  • When a person is not mature and disciplined enough to remain positive and focused on their goals, they can easily be influenced to alter their actions.

Pleasing others, does not mean your actions are productive to your self-growth.

In real estate, we see a lot of investors who are driven off self-image and what others think of them. 

  • Often times, people are in very different stages of their growth. 

But, sometimes people want to appear as if they are well established so they appear credible.

Do not allow your low confidence to misrepresent who you are and lead you to not focus on things that are helping you grow.

An acknowledgement of perceived wisdom, when you don’t actually contain wisdom, is foolish. Wisdom is the effective use of knowledge. 

Understand that when you fully understand something, you can teach it.

If you can’t teach it, you don’t fully comprehend the topic thoroughly enough to help another learn it.

Be sure to not alter where your focus should be to appease others. 

Also, stay out of circles where people just look to broadcast their knowledge, if broadcasting your expertise is not beneficial to your development.

Credibility is more important than image.

Be wise about the use of your time and who you use it with.


A young lady stands with her arms crossed in her colorful and sleeveless sun dress.
How Focus Can Help You Achieve Your Highest Levels of Success | Blog |

Staying focused to what benefits you most is important in any field. 

  • In a prior article, Progress & Avoiding Downtime, we spoke about the application of your time in order to achieve progress. Check it out.

Overall, focus is the use of your acquired self-development, to understand where your time is most well spent. 

Deciding where and what you spend your time on, requires self-development.

Be sure your decisions are not easily be influenced by others. Know when something is noise (or a distraction) and stay focused on your plan.

  • Be sure to always self-evaluate and pay attention to your results.

When change is needed, make those changes. 

We hope this article has been helpful for you today.

Thanks for joining us faithful readers – future leaders.

Love ya and continue to strive for growth.

Please comment how you stay focused and anything helpful for someone else to know.