How to Recognize Where You Need to Improve and Applying the Changes

A coffee, pen and pad await as the note taker is ready to learn how to improve.
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What does self-development look like to you?

There are many ways people develop over time for the better.

But what would you say has been the key to your success in self-development?

The path is always different for each.

But, the ability to improve has the same contents.

Today we will discuss those contents.

Taking heed to the characteristics of your environment and self-development is the key to obtaining success.

Afterall, when you develop yourself, others around you will see that example and learn.

Both are positive actions and reactions to positive change.

Let’s get started.

Acknowledging the Need

A fully bloomed flower as the flowers to the left and right are preparing to bloom.
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Many times we acknowledge we have a responsibility to improve and usually that responsibility lies within our careers.

Of course, to obtain money, you need to fulfill your employers expectations.

The fear of not having enough money to survive, is the byproduct of you feeling forced to improve yourself.

With that expectation, we usually invoke trust into others to help us improve.

Whether the trust is genuine, is another story.

  • When the trust is genuine, you will certainly have an important component present for much further growth, than if you did not have that trust.
  • Engagement grows and improves when trust is present.

When you acknowledge that your performance has the need for improvement, you devote to evaluating your performance and establishing techniques (that possibly your employer has shared with you).

The key point to realize here, is that you made a commitment to improve.

The acknowledgment is the first step.

Now, let’s move to the next stage.

Ability to Evaluate

A pencil was just sharpened as the shreds and pencil sharpener sit on top of the notebook.
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When you decided to improve your performance, there is a level of self-evaluation you likely applied so you don’t get called out on your lack of meeting expectations again.

Whether you are confident enough to ask for help when needed, or foolish enough not to, your ability to maintain that role is at stake.

This is where trust, comfort and confidence may intervene, to help or hurt, you make the best decision. 

Sometimes the decision to commit, or to not commit, is justified based upon the atmosphere of the workplace.

  • Hence, this goes back to the trust component mentioned previously.

Hopefully, you achieve the improvement necessary over time to meet or exceed expectations.

Your commitment to self-evaluation has paid off, if so.

Another key component in your ability to evaluate, involves having a comparison.

When people have a comparison to observe, it can help them understand their wins and losses better.

 – For example, if you played basketball by yourself forever, how good would you be? 

  • Or more importantly, how good would you know that you are?
  • You wouldn’t know at all because you have nothing to compare it to.

This applies for anything that you commit to performing.

You are only as good as your weakest link.

When you have less weak links, you are growing toward being what would be deemed, a top performer.

The more comparisons you have, the higher your ability to become a top performer.

Keep this in mind when you are evaluating your ability.


A lady reviews her work and looks at where to implement changes and improvements.
How to Recognize Where You Need to Improve and Applying the Changes | Blog |

Next, since you are now improving, you are gaining confidence.

Your comprehension is growing and you have identified your opportunities.

Once, you identified those opportunities to improve, you committed.

Perhaps, you have met the expectation, or maybe there is further progress to achieve.

  • Perhaps, if you want more than just the average expectations, and you want to be a leader perse, maybe your expectations go much further.

Regardless, when you decide you want more growth, accountability is necessary.

Accountability means you know your results, you pay attention to them and you will commit to applying techniques to improve and meet the goal.

Within top performers, there is always a yearning to perform at a level that many cannot.

Accountability can cover a broad spectrum.

However, when a goal is set, you must commit and face whatever conflict that may be preventing you from moving forward.

Conflict is usually somewhere in between the stage of acknowledging the need for growth  and actually achieving the growth.

  • This is why conflict is actually healthy if you know how to apply it.
  • Conflict is a byproduct to growth.

Being that you’ve achieved the growth, depending on your standards and ego, you will adhere to any changes that support you meeting your goal.

  • The goal is the result.
  • The ability to achieve the result, relies on your accountability.


A lady looks through floor to ceiling window panes in her office building thinking about how to improve her performance.
How to Recognize Where You Need to Improve and Applying the Changes | Blog |

With the acknowledgement and commitment to understanding these components, you are better prepared to evaluate your ability to self-develop.

  • Regular feedback is a great component to helping you acknowledge your wins and losses.
  • This is why the trust factor takes you much further.

When you have someone you trust giving you feedback, there is a substantial difference in your commitment to change.

Thanks for joining us today faithful readers – future leaders.

We hope this article ahs been helpful.

Love ya and please continue to strive for growth.

Please comment how you achieved the most memorable aspects of your self-development.