How to Make a Success of Yourself & Make More Money using Real Estate

An empty orange lounge chair and foot stool sit alongside a end-table with books on it.
How to Make a Success of Yourself & Make More Money using Real Estate | Blog |

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a manual where it listed all the careers categorized by pay and then the requirements to get them? 

Man, would that be nice…

It would show: 

  • 1) The pay scale, the title of the role and the categories of requirements under that pay scale like: 
  • 1a) College degree required? – Yes or No
  • 1b) Trade school required? – Yes or No
  • 1c) Experience only requirement? – Yes or No
  • 1d) Performance-based only requirement? – Yes or No

Unfortunately, it appears we only get reference to the careers supported by a college degree or maybe going to trade school. 

The experience and performance based opportunities are vastly underrepresented when it comes to having a reference guide to those optional career paths.

Well today, we’re going to go over some examples of characteristics you’d want to possess to get to the money regardless of what path you take! 

A succession plan consists of personal attributes that heighten you chances of meeting success.

Since we primarily devote time to real estate investing, we will show you some ideas on real estate based methods you may want to apply. 

Congratulations if you’ve made it this far to begin a career in real estate.  We understand arriving to this point for many is a journey within itself. 

That’s why we are here to help you! 

Let’s get into it.

The 5 C’s

An instructor shows her three students how they can make a success of themselves using real estate.
How to Make a Success of Yourself & Make More Money using Real Estate | Blog |

Confidence –

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, it should be apparent by now that confidence is a key characteristic of any successful person. Watch their skills shine through when someone truly knows their craft! Aren’t they so fluid with the information and presentation? Well, you can be to.  

Consider this. With confidence there are a few requirements you’ll need before-hand. 

  1. Access to the information and the ability to absorb the knowledge.
  2. Retain the knowledge and begin to recite the process (without referencing your educational tool) to confirm understanding.
  3. Get all of your questions and concerns answered on pertaining topics to further confirm concerns and understanding. *Also, teaching what you understand improves you’re comprehension. So be sure to attempt to train someone else on what you know.
  4. Experience with “in the field” interactions performing your service to the consumer.  

After these are accomplished, your confidence will begin to grow as your interactions increase. Recalibrate your actions to become more efficient as you learn better techniques.

Since our craft is real estate, let’s set up a few disciplines and the requirements to obtain confidence in those disciplines (before we proceed to the next “C”).

Buying Your First Home 

  • Education: Free Audiobook with subscription or “YouTube University” 
  • Questions/Inquiries: Local Meet Up, Facebook Group or Bigger Pockets Forum 
  • Experience/Interaction: Find your local home buyer class in the county you will purchase in, attend and begin to take action.

Buying Your First Rental Property 

  • Education: Free Audiobook with subscription or “YouTube University”  
  • Questions/Inquiries: Local Meet Up, Facebook Group or Bigger Pockets Forum 
  • Experience/Interaction: Align your lending source, a realtor, (possibly) a property manager, an inspector, an attorney, (maybe) a contractor, locate your investment and take action.

Wholesaling Your First Property 

  • Education: Choose a best seller  or “YouTube University” 
  • Questions/Inquiries: Local Meet Up, Facebook Group or Bigger Pockets Forum 
  • Experience/Interaction: Align your buyers, your lead sources and take action.

House Hacking Your First Property

  • Education: Choose a best seller or “YouTube University” 
  • Questions/Inquiries: Local Meet Up or Facebook Group 
  • Experience/Interaction: Align your lending source, a realtor, an inspector, an attorney, (maybe) a contractor, locate your investment and take action.

Invest in Tax Liens or Tax Deeds 

  • Education: Free Audiobook with subscription or “YouTube University” 
  • Questions/Inquiries: Local Meet Up, Facebook Group or Bigger Pockets Forum 
  • Experience/Interaction: Locate the states and counties you’d like to invest in, attend the auction and take action.

Learn to Fix and Flip 

  • Education: The Book on Flipping Houses by J. Scott or “YouTube University” 
  • Questions/Inquiries: Facebook Group or Bigger Pockets Forum 
  • Experience/Interaction:: Align your lending source, a lead source strategy, some wholesalers, your contractors, your realtor, locate your investment and take action.

Learn to Buy-Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat (BRRRR) 

  • Education: Buy, Rehab, Rent, Refinance, Repeat by David Greene   or “YouTube University” 
  • Questions/Inquiries: Facebook Group or Bigger Pockets Forum
  • Experience/Interaction: Create your team of property managers, your lending sources (acquisition and refinance), contractors, realtors, inspectors and wholesalers and take action.

Learn to Invest in Mobile Homes 

  • Education: The Invisible Deal by Mateo Nicolas  or “YouTube University” 
  • Questions/Inquires: Local Meet Up , Facebook Group or Bigger Pockets Forum 
  • Experience/Interaction: Create your resource team of lenders, mobile home park managers, mobile home manufacturers (or other lead sources), contractors and take action.


A note taker writes down the key take-aways from the real estate meeting they attended.
How to Make a Success of Yourself & Make More Money using Real Estate | Blog |

Understand the above reference list is a courtesy to help you align a practice that you will commit to. Choosing a practice that you can pursue is the first step.

Then you’d follow the mentioned steps above to gain confidence in that discipline. Gaining confidence requires several steps prior to you obtaining it. 

The key is to align a strategy that works for you and to get started. 

  • If you haven’t read our first and second blogs (Is this your beginning? and Where is the best use of YOUR time and YOUR money?), these may be helpful in you locating something purposeful that resonates with you. Please check them out.

With any level of discipline you have to challenge yourself and not give up. So what does that mean? It means you must set goals. After you’ve absorbed the information, its time to set action plans that will challenge you. 

We all are in a “people business” so networking, taking the first step, and aligning goals within your team will be necessary.

Your team may need your help, so you having the experience in setting and executing goals, could be helpful for them in doing the same.

Perhaps today you want to set a 30, 60 and 90 day goal going forward. Write these goals down and hold yourself accountable to meeting the due dates of each goal marker. 

Challenges will be throughout life, so applications of adhering to the challenge is before after and during EVERYTHING you’re involved with.

To be successful, you’ll need to challenge yourself at higher levels than what you’ve done prior.  


A teacher smiles and stands by her students as they complete their tasks.
How to Make a Success of Yourself & Make More Money using Real Estate | Blog |

Now that you are setting goals and meeting them, it is important that you understand the discipline that it took for you to achieve that goal.

Acknowledging your “why’s” so that you are aware of your successes is crucial. 

My “why” was because I did exactly what I’m recommending for you. I have consistently set personal goals throughout my entire life. I am still setting goals and will always set new goals. You should as well.

Understanding how you arrived at any success is important.

Not only is it important for you, it is important for others that may benefit from your story.

Your success can be great support for someone trying to reach the same goal.

With that, you need to care about yourself and care about others. You see, caring about yourself, means you want to better yourself. Likewise, caring about others, means you also want them to be great.

This is where happiness lives. No really, I mean it. I truly want you to care about the success of yourself and others.

This is where team spirit lives. Show your care and help others achieve. You will get the same in return as your team will learn to mirror your behavior.

Yep! This may mean tough love; holding people accountable, challenging them, questioning them, motivating them, inspiring them, trusting them and ultimately helping them improve themselves.

Show them love. (So many signs of love to list – I know there’s more I could have said, but you get the point…). 

The main objective is to show your trustworthy intent of the unit being great!


A group of runners jog over a bridge on their evening run.
How to Make a Success of Yourself & Make More Money using Real Estate | Blog |

If you’ve made it this far, you have conquered some noteworthy accomplishments. Keep it up! Great job! Be sure to celebrate your wins!

Now that you’ve displayed the discipline and commitment to conquer a practice, it is time to add another tool to your toolbelt. 

Now, you need to stop and take a minute to write down your successes.  

Remember, unfortunately, people retain the bad/negative things easier than they do the positive things.

Sometimes, you have to go to your arsenal of achievements and let someone know how many positives you’ve accomplished.

Hell, you might even surprise yourself and smile on your own behalf. That’s okay, too! 

Be sure to help someone else feel that way so they smile when they acknowledge their win as well.

These is a part of goal setting, celebrating wins and acknowledging how we arrived at those accomplishments. It will help you prepare more effectively for the future. 

We need to take a step back and acknowledge the positives often – big or small. You owe it to yourself and to your team.

Giving these accolades will be well appreciated. 

Watch your team find “new gears” to shift into seeing that you have acknowledged their wins publicly. 

Now you’re setting things in motion to perform like a high performing team!  Good job! Showing love goes a long way!


A dollar bill is caught in the motion of preparing to lay flat as it's placed on top other dollar bills.
How to Make a Success of Yourself & Make More Money using Real Estate | Blog |

Wow, you’ve made some astonishing improvement! With all of these disinclines in place, you are on your way to the money! 

Whether it be long or short term, if you are executing all that is mentioned here, you are on your way.  

Be sure to stay positive and to stay the course! Don’t give up! 

Really, don’t give up! When it gets tough, sit your ass down and figure out how you can improve your results.

Once, you figure out something you can implement that MIGHT be helpful, do it!  

Be a thinker. Be a calculator. Be a giver.

Be a person who is trustworthy and lead with positivity. Your light will shine.

Thank you faithful readers-future leaders for joining me today. I wish you the best in accomplishing your 5 C’s! 

So tell me, where are you on the list – which C? Please comment.