Learning Follow-Ups Tactics in Real Estate

An agent picks up the phone and begins dialing their customer's phone number.
Learning Follow-Ups Tactics in Real Estate | Blog | InvestingTE.com

How important are follow ups? 

Not only are they important, but how, when, and what to say during the follow-up are all crucial. 

Join us today to review the importance of the follow-up and effective communication skills.

The detail in this process is vaguely spoke on, however it is commonly expressed as being highly important. 

It is highly important, but how, when and where do you apply it? 

It can be very challenging to determine when or if you should follow up with a client or potential client based upon the dialog.

Those clients that express interest and welcome the follow up can even be challenging on when to call, let alone those that don’t show interest at all. 

  • So how do you gauge the most appropriate time frame to have the follow-up call?

This is a very integral part of your business and can be a steep learning curve. 

The “in the moment” attention to detail, in the dialog, is vital. Your note taking skills are also very important.

Gaging The Follow-Up

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Learning Follow-Ups Tactics in Real Estate | Blog | InvestingTE.com

Here are the types of customers you’ll have that show interest:

“I just have X,Y and Z to do, call me in two days…” (HOT)

  • This customer may be ready to take action, but they could also be a person that doesn’t know how to say no. They could mean exactly what they say, or perhaps a “few days” is just sufficient words for them to end the conversation with you. Follow-up in the two days requested regardless. Set up another follow-up call the next day if they don’t answer. If unresponsive, you can extend the time between the follow-ups or keep calling every day or two.

“I’m not ready right now, but give me a call back…” (WARM)

  • You will have to gauge if this means call back in two weeks, a month, three months, six months or a year. Trial an error is needed to gauge the best time for the follow up based upon your next conversation. Take good notes. You’ll need them.

“Right now isn’t good. Call me in a month.” (WARM)

  • Follow-up in the requested time and try to set an appointment to meet. Many times, “Call me next month…” could go on for 6 months or beyond a year. If you want the business, stick to your word and continue to follow-up.

(Abrupt) “What’s your offer?…” (COLD/WARM)

  • This could be a person that is ready to close the deal or it could be someone just fishing for information. It is your choice to provide a blind offer or to not offer at all being that you have not seen the property. Maybe the client is very direct or maybe there are things they don’t want to disclose and are trying to lock you into a number. Whether you give an offer or not, follow-up on next steps if they’ll give you their time.

“I’m not sure when we’ll be ready, just keep in touch with me…” (COLD)

  • Perhaps a monthly call or a quarterly call is sufficient. You most gauge the appropriate time based on your conversation, tone and behavior style of the customer. Take good notes. They will matter.

Here are the types of customers you’ll have that don’t show interest:

“This isn’t a good time, I have to go…(hangs up)” (COLD)

  • Difficult to determine when you should call back or if you should call at all? It will depend on the conversation leading up to the person ending the conversation on how you plan your follow up call. Follow-up regardless and gauge your next steps based upon the next conversation.

“Thanks for calling, I’ll save your number…” (COLD)

  • Difficult to determine when you should call back, but interest was expressed so you should definitely call back. It will depend on the conversation leading up to the person ending the conversation on how you plan your follow up call. Follow-up regardless, but this one will require more time in between the follow-ups. Gauge your next steps based upon the next conversation.

“I’m not sure what I want to do. I have to go. Bye” (COLD)

  • Difficult to determine when you should call back, but possible interest was expressed so you should definitely call back. It will depend on the conversation leading up to the person ending the conversation on how you plan your follow up call. Follow-up regardless, but this one will require more time in between the follow-ups. Gauge your next steps based upon the next conversation.

“Let me talk to my wife/husband and I’ll call you back…” (COLD)

  • Sometimes, this is the truth and sometimes its an excuse to get off the phone with you. Since interest was expressed so you should definitely call back, but give them time to talk. Perhaps a week before the next follow-up is good. Still consider how the conversation leading up to the person ending the conversation went regarding how you plan your next follow up call. Take good notes. They will be needed.


People convene in a open food court for melas and meetings.
Learning Follow-Ups Tactics in Real Estate | Blog | InvestingTE.com

What is key in gauging follow-ups, is that you plan them and complete them. 

Each interaction should have a follow-up plan. Whether that means the lead is dead, or if it means to call in a year, the next day, in two weeks, or a month. A follow-up plan should be made.

Follow-ups will make up 80-90% of your business, so they should not be taken lightly. 

Now you know why people are out here trying to swoop in a take your “dead leads”.

There is something they know that you don’t…The acquisition may take years, but they are willing to wait it out by pursuing each follow up accordingly. 

Although the action of following up is vital, your ability to engage with the customer is vital as well. 

Many times our ability to deliver customer service can either help or hurt our connection.

Take heed to each component and prune your skills to improve over time. 

All applications of what we covered today is about customer service, professionalism and attention to detail. Be the professional customers want and expect.

Thanks for joining us today faithful readers-future leaders.

Love ya and keep striving for growth.

Please comment your helpful follow-up routines.