How to Create and Keep a Great Team

An organized and neat isle of a warehouse shows goals and performance amongst the team is aligned.
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What makes a good team?

If you had to explain all the contents that make a great team, how would you describe it?

  • A great team isn’t a low performing team.
  • A great team beats it’s competition and has organic team chemistry through the rapport they’ve built together.
  • When one person fails, the team fails.

Constructively, a great team finds a way to improve or support it’s team members where and when needed to help improve performance overall.

Have you been apart of a top performing team that showed you how to develop?

Maybe this hasn’t been an experience you’ve had.

However, we will go into a few characteristics today that make-up a great team.

Let’s get started.


One large yellow arrow accompanied by smaller white arrows all pointing in the same direction.
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Before anything else, a person’s comfort in their atmosphere dictates how much effort they will put into becoming great for that employer.

  • Professionalism, proof of concept and organization, also play into that atmosphere.

At the point when someone interacts with leadership, or a representative of the company that a potential employee has first contact with, it has an affect on the perception the the potential employee receives.

When a potential employee walks through the door and experiences engagement,  or lack of engagement, it plays a part in their perception of the company.

At the point of an interview, they are gaging, how much you know, your intentions, your professionalism, your ability to communicate effectively, your passion and your organization.

No matter what perception you give, which is hopefully a positive one (for all mentioned above), the potential employee will now gage if the perception you gave matches the atmosphere they experience.

You can be as astute as possible, but if their experience doesn’t match the positive vision created for them, through your words, they will begin to determine if you are credible and trustworthy.

The fact is, many people can learn to talk as if they are something great, but if they are not truly as great as they portray, it goes nowhere. 

Consider this a two part comfort test…

  • One, being the actual atmosphere, and two, being the credibility established within their first judgement (matching the perception you illustrated).

If both are consistent enough to not lose trust, this potential employee will have enough respect, to possibly meet or exceed the expectations you set.

Trust, Training and Development

A whiteboard displaying "Training and Development" as the leader brainstorms on what his team needs.
How to Create and Keep a Great Team | Blog |

As you are building a relationship it is important that you lead in a manner that is honorable to the recipient.

Being considerate, explaining things well, being polite, confirming understanding, confirming comfort, aligning resources and being a proper host, in a professional way, earns you much more respect to your new teammate.

Within the development process that you’ve established for them, they will gage the level of comfort that you have created for them and truly appreciate it.

The intention to support them goes a long way.

But, actually supporting them by getting them to accomplish meeting or exceeding the learning curve, is the actual example of true support.

  • Development is a highly involved component and is established through education, confirmation of comprehension, healthy engagement, trust, intent to help them grow and the ability to make them feel comfortable with the rest of the team.

After comfort and understanding of the operation, people will decide how they can help the team best and the aspects of the team that they like and dislike.

As a leader you need to know both their likes and dislikes.

Feedback is a integral component of any team.

The presence and ability to resolve conflict is healthy for growth.

Communication and leadership’s ability to develop a team allows healthy conflict to be a building block of growth.

These are one of many building blocks that support continuous improvement.


A happy person stands on the wall with a beautiful smile displaying her positivity.
How to Create and Keep a Great Team | Blog |

A integral part of creating a comfortable atmosphere involves consistent support of positive reinforcement.

When relationships and interactions are in need of improvement, a leader must exemplify what the necessary correction looks like.

A display of that example is one of many building blocks for the team to understand and first witness.

When problems are resolved respectfully and constructively, not only will people learn how to improve their conduct, but they will grow personally.

  • As each individual grows, the team grows.

The more the team understands that everyone supports them and wants them to improve, the better the team comradery will be.

Knowing the goals of your peers, no matter the employment level, is essential to a team knowing each other well enough to support each other accordingly.

This is a building block to future peak performances.

You must know where your teammates excel and perform best in various roles.

This allows you to know where to place your best players when you’re preparing for the championship.

Leading with positivity at all times, allows the growth spurt to begin.

Feeling as if you are truly “one team”, with one goal, that collectively supports everyone, begins with positivity.

Wins and losses are received much better if you can highlight the positive attributes where improvement is acknowledged. 

Then after, losses or opportunities can be acknowledged, so the why behind the loss can be better received.

People appreciate when you see the positive in them, or the improvements they have made.

This is exactly why leading with positive and/or training yourself to acknowledge positivity first, grows you immensely.

Your engagement and relationships will grow because people understand your intentions and know you see what they’ve improved upon. 

Not just their failures.

Being “one-team” is not easy.

However, once established, you will never be forgotten due to the growth and development another person received through your guidance.

Thanks for joining us today faithful readers – future leaders.

We hope today’s article has been helpful for you.

Love ya and continue to strive to exceed expectations.

Please comment where you experienced a great team and what you learned.